OK, Karen and Fran have both nominated me to get a Rockin' girl blogger award and now I have to pass it on to 5 other gals... but so many already have been awarded I need to think on this...
I'll nominate:
Nina Bagley
Kelly Rae
Maija LaPore
Deb Trotter
Katie Kendrick
these are 5 blogs I check every day first thing in the morning.... I have several but these are a few and I did check to see if they already won an award... several of my daily reads already have the award for sure. Anyway, these are my 5 yet I don't think they read my blogs so they won't know they won! LOL!
My doll class with Katie yesterday was fantastic although my doll isn't finished and looks totally different than I expected. I'm not terribly attached to her but I LOVED the process. I will be making more for sure. I'll post a picture when I finish. I was in class all day, didn't get home until 5:00 and then had to be at school with my kids by 6:00 for a "meet the teachers" night. We didn't get home until 7:30 and was in bed by 8:30. However, I woke at 2:00 from a weird, bad dream and a headache. I couldn't get back to sleep. I stayed in bed for 2 hours and finally got up at 4:00. Then I fell back to sleep at 5:00. Max woke me up at 7:00, 7:30, and I finally got up again at 8:00. I feel like I have a hang over. Now I"m trying to catch up on cleaning in my house and laundry. I have to be down at church around 2:00. After having our two weeks of non-stop prayer in Feb., we are now having one Friday evening set aside so people can just come and be with God. We set up prayer stations for this too, although on a smaller scale. I have to set up one of the stations for our prayer night tonight.
Tomorrow, I'm attending a Women's day retreat with the guest speaker being a potter. She will be working with clay for us and speaking on what it really means to be clay in a potter's hands as in us being clay in THE Potter's hands. It ends at 2:30 and then I'll be running over to Art Unraveled's vendor day to see what everyone is selling. My neighbor, Jane, will be attending the entire day's events with me and she's very excited. Jane is a funky woman close to 70 years old who was a total druggie/hippie in the 60's and 70's and still uses the phrase "far out!" often. She cracks me up. I wish you all could have seen the look on her face when she found out I'd never done drugs of any kind. Her mouth fell open and she just stared at me and finally spoke saying, "Wow, I don't think I've ever met anyone that never tried drugs."!!! Her facial expression was priceless. If only I'd had a camera with me! But gosh, I didn't know I was such a novelty either! LOL! Jane is a writer and has been a playwrite in L.A. and she also enjoys painting and beading. She's quite a character. She'll enjoy herself tomorrow emensely.
OK, so back to cleaning...
you certainly are having a full plate of church and art activities. Hope you get a good night's sleep tonight.
I can't wait to hear all about that 'potter's' class you went to on Saturday! Do share details!
Thanks, Angie! I think you are a rockin girl blogger to!
Just e mail the others and let them know to look at your blog!
I'll join the never-tried-drugs club with you Angie! We're pretty rare creatures.
Angie! surprise, surprise! Of course I read your blog. It just takes me a while to get to it. LOL
Thanks for the nomination & boy, did I love meeting you at AU!
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