Wednesday, June 1, 2011

more dying results

Here are a couple of my rust pieces as well as a couple of other spice dyed pieces. So far, I've rinsed them and have them drying. I will then run them through the wash to see how the hold up. I have no doubts about the rust. That stuff doesn't go anywhere and oh, how I love it! The spice stuff... well, we'll see. I'm waiting for my neighbor to come home to get some Eucalyptus leaves off his tree. I'm too short to reach. I'm also going to the grocery store to see if they'll give me the onion skins out of the red onion bin! I've got some new fabrics in the rust bin now.. over-dying some pieces I wasn't thrilled about.

1 comment:

Joanne Huffman said...

Great results; I can see why you are so interested in dying.