I found a ton of these and think I'll sell some but first, I'd like to give a few away! (If you happen to want to purchase some of these, let me know. I also have some of the green ones in 8x8 size). Anyway, all you have to do is leave me a comment telling me one quirky thing about yourself and A WAY TO CONTACT YOU if you are the winner! In fact, I'm going to give 3 away and you get your choice of color! These mini albums are 5x7 in size and would make a great little journal, scrapbook album, or gift item! I have them in pink (more of a rose, actually), navy, and green. And, to start you off with the quirkiness, I'll tell something about myself. I always organize my dirty dishes by the sink and clean all the counters before I start the dishes. If all the dirty dishes are nicely stacked and organized, it makes the mess look less... and if the counters are all cleaned up right away, it looks like there's less to do as well! ;)
Now, leave me a comment and spread the word! I'll be using the random number generator and choose the winners Monday morning!
Ok, I'm in.
Weird things about me, where to begin...
Ok, here's one I realized today - when I'm hanging up laundry, I try really hard to match the color of the shirt to the color of the hanger it's on. I'm not obsessive about it (yet) but I did feel definite disappointment when I had to put a black shirt on a green hanger.
or you could leave a comment on my blog: artbykarishma.wordpress.com
Okay, something Quirky about me, LOL. Well, I'm Quirky Tina from Quirky Quillers and I don't do projects the normal way of laying them out first. I just start right in and well let happens what happens. Also, my crafting/designing area is a mess, if it was organized like I've seen I'd never do anything!
Hey, Ang! I don't need to win (though it's okay if I do!), but I wanted to say hi. Quirky? I'm nothin' if not quirky. I totally flip out if my towels are not folded how I like them to be: in thirds lengthwise, then in half crosswise and in half again crosswise. And they have to be stacked up according to size and color. This, from the least likely person to have a clean house! HUGS, Marilyn
I have a dog whose favorite toy is my dirty socks...I wake up every morning to find them in my bed with us.
you can reach me at septembesea@alteredattic.com
Hi Angie! I'd love to be in the drawing...let's see...something quirky...Everything I do seems to be pretty normal (to me anyway).
Does this one count? I've trained our cat, Shredder to lay down and be still when I'm eating dinner on the couch in the evening if she wants a treat. She's learned that if she meows at me she doesn't get anything, but if she lays down and looks pathetic, then I give in and give her a bite of something to eat. She also like to use my hand as a pillow when we're in bed at night. She lays between Terry and I, then lays her head on top of my hand and purrs like crazy.
Well, I guess that's quirky things about my cat, but since they relate to me hopefully that counts.
OH MY GOSH!! These are Bazzill albums!!
I waaant one!
Knowing you, I bet you paid around a buck for each of these beauties!
You want quirky... I'll give you quirky.
In fact, I just wrote about it on my blog... I have never ever put on a pair of pierced earrings without applying rubbing alcohol to the lobe and the earrings. Seriously. And I have never ever gotten any kind of infection from any earrings either.
So there!
Hi I think the stangest thing about me is that I collect and collect but don't use what I collect. I have jars of buttons, old keys and now I am collecting salt spoons. But I don't want to use them, I always think there will be a better time to use them in the future. My favorite place to be is in my craft room playing with glue.I too am like Tina, above I just do collages or whatever without thinking about.
It has been cool to read what others write. you could reach me at gophersnroses2000@yahoo.com Thanks Carol B.
one quirky thing...just ONE quirky thing?..
I like to collect roadkill pictures.
heh heh heh.
Ok.. I don't know if this is quirky, but I organize my food pantry with all veggies and fruits on a shelf, anything with a protein (tuna, salmon, chili w/beans, soups,etc on another, and all salad dressings and condiments (sauces, mixes) on the top shelf. Seems to make it easier to find. I do turn all the labels out so I can see them, but I don't put them in alpha order like some of my more anal friends!
I would love to win one! Angelica angelescale@aol.com
Hi Angie,
I guess this would qualify as quirky. I must iron my pillowcases after they're washed before I fold them a certain way and put them away w/the sheets, and I hate to iron! At least I don't iron the sheets, (so far)like I guess past generations used too. My daughter thinks I'm nutty she says because ofcourse they just get wrinkled the first night.
um, i'm not quirky, so i guess i can't play....
ok, how's this for quirky? i am addicted to playing spider solitaire on the computer, and will play until i can barely keep my eyes open.
Hmmm, a quirky thing about me? I'm totally normal - NOT. I love my dog SO MUCH that I made a bed for her in my art room.
That's all I've got!
Contact me at parissalon@gmail.com
Quirky - I dream that I am having a baby (even the sex) when on of my children are pregnant. Its really very exciting as I now have 12 grandchildren -and I love them all.
This is more my cat than me I guess: He brings me "gifts" always a skein of yarn that he has taken from my room and sits it at my feet!!! LOL Before I forget gotta love you email addy!!
Karen K
I like to live in one room. i have my bed, couch, TV, and my art table and shelves of supplies all in the living room despite having a perfectly good empty bedroom :-)
this is really a cool thing to do! Thanks!! OK...here goes...I LOVE ordering spaghetti without the sauce...only with cheese and butter..."meatballs on the side please." People I go out with LOVE it when I do that...NOT! ;=)
Hi There! Thanks for cluing us in about the giveaway...
ONE quirky thing...hmmmm. Oh, I know. I'm a monk. And I like disembodied doll heads. (I just posted an article about said heads on my blog!)Bet you don't get THAT combination very often! :-)
Angie...I'm totally quirky. Let me see...I like my grass a certain way and I'll mow the yard 2-3 times a week, if need be, to keep it the length that I like it to be! Sick, is maybe a better word for me, now that I think about it!
hugs to ya!
Hmmmm not sure if this is considered quirky but I will give it a go! I lost all my hair yesterday and discovered I have a perfectly round head lol well I think it's funny. I was obsessing over looking like my grandpa!
I don't know if I am quirky but there are certain things I get kidded about. Like all my closets are color coordinated. My white shirts, pink shirts red shirts, etc. are together. My cd's are alphabetized. I like everything to have its place. With five kids/boys it becomes chaos without some organization. Elizabeth N sixftblndeprincess@yahoo.com
Please put my name in. I made one of these of my daughter for my future son-in-law and it about killed me to give it away.
Quirky? Clutter drives me crazy. I keep a large basket in a corner of my kitchen, and if anybody's stuff is on the table (big, long table) for too long, their stuff goes into the basket. esmilroy@yahoo.com
I think I am a quirky person, When I pick up a magazine to leaf through I always start at the back. I noticed that my sister does this also. I love spaghetti sandwiches, can't understand why they are not on any menus.The quirkiest is that I cannot sleep without a kleenex in my hand. I quess it is like a security blanket or something.
Hugs from Marg
Thanks for the giveaway! I feel sure there are many things about me that seem quirky, although they make perfect sense to me.
Although I don't think I'm really a germophobe, I really hate it when people come up to my desk at work and use my pen! All I can think about is how clean their hands are!
Hi Angie, What a great little give away. I'd love to be in on the drawing. And Yes I too have my quirks. Too many to mention, I am of the OCD club and can't walk by something that is out of place without feeling the urge to pick it up and put it where it belongs EXCEPT in my art studio LOL Hugs, Mollye
Hmm quirky, I don't wear socks to bed because I don't think my feet can "breathe" even if they are cold. If I am at a store and I look at something for a second sometimes I will put it back and grab the second or third one behind to get it because I think it's "fresher." If I win I can be reached from my e-mail. :) or blog
One quirky thing about myself? :-) I am all quirks--and I have to pick just one? Hmm. I am absolutely obsessive about the bathroom sink being clean--not easy with 2 kids and 3 cats--all of whom love to get the sink icky. I can actually be watching tv and feel the need to go upstairs and make sure the sink is clean--and just scrub it down real quick with a rag and go back to the tv like nothing happened. :-)
Now--cat quirks--one cat 'fetches' clean socks--out of the drawer which is not easy to open--took me weeks to figure out why my dd's socks were piled up at the foot of my bed all the time. The other cat LOVES water--as in he will jump into a full tub, regardless of temperature, and walk back and forth in the water, playing with the waves. The 3rd cat--he's just weird--but he's new too so we'll see.
lol--I could go on--but that's enough--thank you for having this give away :-)
email Raven at ddraigseren (at) gmail (dot) com
Hi Angie. Great give-away. You are so generous. I like green, if I should win. A quirky thing about me is that I hate pens that write in blue ink, I'm a black ink kind of gal. And if I have a choice, I won't even use blue ink pens. If I don't have a choice, it bugs me to write with blue ink.
Oh, one more thing. I read what Immi wrote about people using her pen. I feel exactly the same way. When I used to share my pen at work with patients, I was getting colds a lot. When I quit doing that, and made them use another pen, I quit getting colds. Now, I hate to even touch the pen they use or touch any "community" pens anywhere. I seem to have developed a phobia about that. Although, maybe it's a healthy phobia. I rarely get colds now.
My biggest quirk? I am a hotel phobic. Hotels and motels really creep me out! I have fashioned out of two twin flat sheets what I refer to as my sleep sack...kind of like a body-sized pillow case that I can crawl into when forced to stay at a hotel! This provides me with a layer of protection from the mattress and bedding...a protective shield, of sorts! Is that quirky enough?
email: msnyder@cazenovia.edu
Reading those was entertaining! I match all those quirks about color coordinating and alphabetizing. When I go out with my husband on a date or if we leave on a car trip, the car has to be clean inside and out before leaving. That quirk entertains my husband and he remembers to clean the car to please his date! What a sweetie!
here's my quirky thing and i'm a med. transcriptionist so this kind of stuff always bugs me, anyway just this morning i noticed again at our local convenient store that a permanent sign they have hanging outside on their building says something along the line of no truck or van parking in this space as it "INTERFERS" with vision from the clerk working inside at the cash register to the gas pumps. i think next time i go there i will correct the spelling of this with word with a permanent marker! there you have it, and it's amazing all the misspelled words on signs there are!
i'll cross my fingers for a win and thank you for sharing!!
tami r. (mroth@lcom.net)
Something quirky? My husband tells me that there's nothing normal about me. (He's the engineer, I'm the artist & that should pretty much explain that.)
Ok, I'm almost embarrassed to tell, but I don't like my food to touch on my plate. It's not that I eat one thing at a time either, I just don't like my green bean juice leaching over into my mashed potatoes, ICK!!
I love reading everybody's quirky comments! Thanks for sharing!
My "quirk" is that after I shower, I must squeegee down the shower walls...don't know why...I'm not a neat-freak and I don't mind a little dirt!!!! LOL!!!
I love reading everybody's quirky comments! Thanks for sharing!
My "quirk" is that after I shower, I must squeegee down the shower walls...don't know why...I'm not a neat-freak and I don't mind a little dirt!!!! LOL!!!
I'm in--only one quirk? I alphabetize my DVDs, CDs, tapes, and yes even record albums--it drives me nuts when the rest of the family puts them back out of order!
Quirky??? Toilet paper has to roll over the top and not behind...no sweets before breakfast...and if i see dust, i draw bird tracks in it, even if i am at someone elses house.
Great giveaway!
I have to have the kitchen sink filled with hot soapy water before I start cooking anything. I actually wash the dishes/pots/pans as I use them to keep the counters clear. I also put all of the ingedients on the counter before I start and put them away one by one as I use them.
Thanks for the fun! I'd love to have one of those albums!!
OK, I have lots of "quirks", but the first that comes to mind when I start a projest is that I gather everything I could possibly need together, lay it all out and ready at the table, then *I GO TAKE A NAP FIRST* before I can start. It seems to happen every time- It's like my Muse will only come to me in my sleep and if I don't nap I can't get my art out!
I loved reading the posts and could relate to a lot of them! I will only use the Pilot G2 gel pens - the extra fine ones. If anyone borrows my pen I watch, like a hawk, to make sure I get it back! I also color code at work and my co-workers like to tease me about that!
Quirky huh? All right, here's mine. I CANNOT flip through a magazine or art book. No scanning. I must read and study every page starting at the beginning...in order. Consequently I never finish reading them. I must have 100 books and magazine stacked with book marks going no further than page 20 or so. This drives ME CRAZY. But I can't help myself. argh.Doreen aka LuniLadi (cosenzas@optonline.net)
Well I don't know if you would call this quirky but I have to alphabetize my seasonings...I know it sounds weird but it really bothers me if they are not in order....your blog is wonderful and your talant is beautiful
I saw nothing quirky about your post; but I am the most organized person I know. Sometimes it makes me crazy, but I sort everything! All of my clothing hangers match-all face the same way-all like items hang together sorted by color. Yikes-I even scare me!
chris p
I am so quirky I do practically everything everyone has said so far. I can especially relate to the hanger colors, organizing my closets by color, and something no one has mentioned: arranging my spices and herb alphabetically.
Also, I can't stand anything out of place. I've been called anal, and I say "thank you."
Quirky- I have a dimple in my right hand pinky, right on the tip just below the nail. When I was a kid, I used to think a doctor stuck me there (for blood) and that the pinky just never healed right. I haven't thought about it for years and just checked recently and it's still there!
I would LOVE to win one of your albums!
A quirky thing I do:
One cabinet in my kitchen has a two, two tier lazy susans that hold my spices -- in alphabetical order.
E-mail: babdu@metrocast.net
Best regards,
I don't like to touch the bathroom walls in the shower, and sometimes I catch myself blinking or breathing in rhythm to my vehicle's windshield wiper blades.
~ Kathleen (arizkma@yahoo.com)
Wow! Hope you post to New Zealand! 2 quirky things - one is that if I buy a newspaper or magazine, I don't like anyone reading it before me, it really bugs me. And 2nd thing is public toilets! Yep I absolutely hate touching the taps to wash my hands, or the toilet doors!
(keeping my fingers crossed I win!)
Fun contest! One of my quirks is that towels have to be folded a certain way before they go into the linen closet. (I've been know to re-fold them if they are wrong) When hanging, the hand towels get folded in thirds and the bath & oven towels just in half but with the fold ALWAYS facing the door.
I can't believe I just admitted that :) mkeylon @ centurytel.net
I never buy clothing or other things unless it's been marked down 3 times. Always looking for a bargan. flicsha@hotmail.com
Ok, according to my DH, my biggest quirk is that I always tap on the top of my Coke can before opening it (I drink a lot of Coke). I don't even realize that I do it, don't know when I started doing it (he says I've always done it), not real sure even why I do it - but there it is!
Something quirky.... I ALWAYS have to wash my hands when arting (not obssesively), I just can't have "dirty" hands for too long, otherwise I stop creating and get side tracked!
Quirky? I always thought I was normal! Tee hee! Anyway, the one thing that my boss always comments about is the "order" in which I eat food on my plate. First the veggies, then the chicken, next . . . whatever, but you get the idea. He says OCD, I say he's just jealous because he's not.
I have SO many of the quirky things that have already been listed, maybe I need to get help, LOL.
A few I have that haven't been listed: I can't stand being sticky. I won't even let my 15 month old son feed himself unless his dad is here to clean him up because I won't touch him if he gets too sticky. I tried to let go of that a little bit recently when I let him fingerpaint without my hubby being here and I about had a panic attack, esp. when my son wiped the paint on my face! Funny thing is that all 3 of my siblings are the same way.
I am obsessed with baby gear, esp. beds/play yards. I have one child and 7 places for him to sleep and until he turned one he slept in our bed. Now he sleeps in his crib but I refuse to get rid of all the other beds. At least all the rest of them fold up!
I like things esp. money to be even numbered. When I pay a bill I like to round it up so that there is a 0 at the end. I didn't used to be like that but after working as a bookkeeper for a man that was it stuck with me.
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