Monday, January 19, 2009

I did it!

I got my other blog up and running. I got pictures uploaded, one for every day of this year so far. I'm all caught up. Some are pictures I posted here, some not. Anyway, I'm glad to have that done and look forward to a year in pictures. My own photo-journal. I think it would be cool to (a) print a month at a time on a contact sheet or (b) print the pictures at the end of each month (or week) and crop them into squares to add onto a calendar.

I just finished icing and then doing a hot epsom soak for my foot. I owe my boys a bike walk and my foot is really hurting today. My eyes are bothering me too so I'm going to lay down and elevate my foot and rest my eyes in a minute.

I have been waiting for almost 3 months for a dermatologist appt. with a new Dr., which is coming up on Thursday. I pray there is no skin cancer this time. I do have a couple of places that I'm sure will need to be biopsied but I pray no skin cancer. I'm tired of getting all scarred up with this stuff. I guess it comes with being a redhead. I don't know. I hate it though. I certainly pray no more melanoma. Ugh.... Ya'll pray with me.

I am so addicted to Facebook after only 2 days. It's pathetic! I love reading little updates on everyone and I love the chat feature. Pretty cool!

OK, I'm going to lay down and rest. If you are interested in keeping up with my daily photo journal blog, check it out and subscribe to the feed so you can be updated daily.

1 comment:

Joanne Huffman said...

I hope your foot and your head felt better for your time with the boys.
